Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Countdown is On

Here's to dry weather and amazing color that only nature could provide.

5 days to go...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Black Magic

My sister has written a wonderful post over at her site about my dad in honor of what would have been his 50th birthday. Its full of great stories including a few about his notorious yet beloved car, Black Magic (approximated above).

Happy Birthday, Daddy.

Apartment Therapy Boston Launch!

After many months, and many, many, many posts on Apartment Therapy New York, the Boston site officially flies solo later this morning and we couldn't be more excited. Back in March, on a hunch, *boy and I decided to give this whole blogging thing a real go and submitted our first post for AT NY. A few weeks later the job was ours and we become half of the new Boston team.

Its been an interesting, sometimes stressful, but mostly rewarding endeavor and we're really looking forward to seeing our little group go solo as we try to build a Therapy community here in Boston.

You can get a sneak peek at the Boston site pre-launch here.

Friday, September 12, 2008


October 4 is going to be a big day for us, clearly, but November 4 will be bigger—for everyone. Wedding plans have taken a backseat lately as we have been consumed with nightly politics and, honestly, I've had enough. Enough of the crap, enough of the lies, enough of the ridiculous state of American government and media. Enough of the "reality" that these people think we're that stupid. How does it make you feel to know that the possible future President and VP think they can lie, flat out, to your face, repeatedly, on a daily basis, just make things up, fabricate their own "facts" and honestly BELIEVE you'll never know the difference. Or, even worse, if you do know the difference, that you won't care.

Wow. How did we get here?

As someone who just lost her job due to a horrific economy, I watch, mouth agape, head shaking, embarrassed and enraged. Aren't there actual issues to discuss? Real problems to solve? Tough realities to face? Oh yeah, that's what that other guy is talking about, has been talking about and will continue to talk about. This isn't a reality show or a soap opera or fodder for trash Hollywood tabloids. This is my country. And I deserve a president who recognizes that my country does not belong to him, to play with as he pleases. I deserve a president who knows it belongs to me and you and our families and our friends and that we care what he does with it. Enough is enough.

On November 4, one month after *boy and I say "I do," we will vote for the guy who's had enough and plans to make things better.

Conservative but still concerned? Read this. Then read this: Christians for Obama