Friday, July 30, 2010

Last Day of Stasis

Two and a half years ago I covered this bulletin board with inspiration — pieces of design, photography, odds and ends that made me happy to have over my shoulder. I never took anything off. On a few occasions I added on to it, but mostly it remained static.

I cleaned the bulletin board off this morning — neatly filing away my inspiration into the same orange envelope from which I extracted it; the same envelope I filled up on the last day at my previous job. The envelope is going home this time, to an office in our dining room.

I am voluntarily disrupting the equilibrium of our lives. God bless my husband for holding steady as I move into the unknown. Teaching — new, uncharted stuff — should consume most of the fall. Hopefully some freelance will augment it. I have a deep rooted peace about the rest. I am finished wrestling with going or staying. The time for stillness is over. I am exploding with inspiration, this time from within. It is an extraordinary feeling. I can't wait to see what I do.

Stay tuned.

Oh, Bacon's last day at the office was Wednesday. He worked himself into a nap.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Advertising Geometries and The Narrow Path of Totality

Standing below the obtrusive structures, gorgeous geometries are revealed. Stunning photographs of Billboards by Branislav Kropilak. Thanks to my friend, Sarah, who found his Loading Docks.

As we move between the Sun and the Moon, she glows red in our dominating shadow of bent indirect light.

But as she slips between us and the Sun — into the narrow Path of Totality — she disappears, revealing the elusive gossemer halo of the Sun's corona.

There is wonder everywhere, even on a Wednesday. Lunar and Solar Eclipses for Beginners.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


First he was all about the squeaky tennis ball. Then the frisbee rocked his world. Now basketball has revolutionized Bacon's comprehension of what it means to play...hard. Click to see the action larger.

Next time we'll take video.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Belated Birthday Recap

*boy asked for a Boston Cream Pie

It turned out really well

Excellent standing custard

Between 3 people, half the pie was gone

Then there was whiskey in new, proper glasses with Vermont soapstone whiskey rocks (keeps it cold without watering it down)